'Tis The Season


'Tis the season
We’re told, for giving
For giving, for thinking, of others

For extending ourselves and brightening the world
For acts of kindness and turning cheeks
When we feel we are not treated with grace

Why wrack our brains to think of
What might delight someone we love?
Why deck the halls and light the candles?
Why sing of glory?

In those moments
When the hustle
And the bustle
Of holiday scrambling
Seems to overtake
Our holiday spirit

We pause and breathe and remember
The delight of others, also lights us
That lift we feel when others receive can’t be gained by any other means
And making our homes festive with decorations
Reminds us to celebrate this moment
And music can carry us to a lighter place
If we let it

Now is the season
For forgiveness and good cheer…
And maybe, just maybe
That’s good reason
For this season
To last the whole year