No Ribbons Needed

In any packaging, what we spend of ourselves is priceless

Photo by Alex Holyoake via Unsplash.

Photo by Alex Holyoake via Unsplash.


Tis the season… for wondering what to give people.

Giving gifts is actually something I enjoy, especially when I’ve found something I think will delight the other person. The part that stumps me the most is how to answer when people ask what to give me.

It’s not that there aren’t things I want or need, but somehow, I am all out of suggestions when they ask. With the holidays approaching, my thoughts always turn to my loved ones. Since I live a plane ride away from most of them, it takes planning to spend a holiday, or any day, with each other. Price tag-wise, flying during the holidays is on a whole different level; the fares can rival a mortgage payment.

In this past year, I have had two surgeries, and been the recipient of much generosity. If I were to be asked to name the best gifts I’ve received from my loved ones this year, I would say the same gift as every year - being there.

Whether it was in the form of time spent in person or the many messages, calls, and cards, what mattered most to me, and has always mattered most, has been the sense of being with each other.

I think my loved ones would say the same.

So while the items farther down any yet-to-be-composed wish list I might create this year would probably be a little different, the top will always remain constant. What I really want and what I intend to give (and thereby will receive) is time together.

And I’m pretty sure the airlines won’t be the only ones happy about that.